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vinyl flooring Stores in Summit, NJ

Browse our wide selection of vinyl floors online, with luxury vinyl options including plank (LVP) & tile (LVT). Then visit a local Carpet One store in Summit, NJ or nearby to find the perfect floor for your home. Receive personalized assistance with installation and more.


Cove Carpet One Floor & Home (0.4 MI)
335 Springfield Avenue, Summit, NJ, 07901
908-739-0998 | Store website
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Cramers Carpet One Floor & Home (4 MI)
73 Main Street, Madison, NJ, 07940
862-204-7331 | Store website
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Franklin Floors (13.3 MI)
85 Park Avenue, Nutley, NJ, 07110
973-798-8389 | Store website
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Fox Floors (13.5 MI)
2391 Richmond Avenue, Staten Island, NY, 10314
646-571-0248 | Store website
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Quality Carpet One Floor & Home (20.6 MI)
1416 38th Street, Brooklyn, NY, 11218
646-568-4610 | Store website
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Brothers Carpet & Flooring, Inc. (21.3 MI)
50 Johnson Avenue, Hackensack, NJ, 07601
(201) 546-5733 | Store website
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Hamilton Carpet One Floor & Home (24.9 MI)
73 40 Grand Avenue, Maspeth, NY, 11378
347-809-3917 | Store website
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Eberhard Carpet One Floor & Home (25.8 MI)
947 Rt 35 N, Middletown, NJ, 07748
732-737-7975 | Store website
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